Monday, October 26, 2009

Healthy and Youthful Thoughts

I came across this in a newsgroup.

Feeling sick? Feeling down? Feeling old? Feeling not-so-good? Well, according to Deepak Chopra MD, and many Quantum physicists, such feelings are only that - feelings! Here are some points to consider that can help you to change your body by changing your thoughts and beliefs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The physical world, including your body, is the response of the observer. In other words, there is nothing in the perceived, three dimensional reality that exists aside from your perception. We are unconscious participants in a shared and fictitious belief that sickness and aging are inevitable and "just the way things are".
There are no truly solid elements in the physical world. Even the most solid atom is comprised of a nucleus and orbitals that are themselves pure energy. Solidity, as we suppose it to be, is the product of particles of pure energy.
The distance between the nuclei of any two atoms is proportionately more distant from each other than the distance between two galaxies. The space in between them is alive with pure Consciousness, Thus, YOU are comprised of 99.999 % pure Consciousness, and the remaining portion of your self is pure energy. The only SOLID force about you is the presence of Universal Consciousness with which you are inseparably ONE. Your control over the condition of your physical body is completely reflective of your self concept as it expresses itself through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
Therefore: Your ARE what you think, feel, and believe yourself to be. To change the condition of your body, allow yourself to change your personal paradigm to envision-feel-believe yourself as perfectly healthy, perfectly youthful, perfectly well in all ways. As you allow this new paradigm to more and more over-take your old perceptions, you will experience the manifestation of your improving conditions as your subconscious mind comes to accept your renewed and improving, preferred physical condition.
The concept of "time" is the product of collective concept as accepted by your belief. There is no time aside from the perception of time. The body of a newly born baby is not "new" at all. It is composed of atoms that have existed and been circulating throughout the universe in differing forms for trillions of years. If we could all preserve our immune systems to remain in the conditions that they are born in, our average life span would exceed 300 years. What makes the baby's body "young" is the unseen intelligence that has come together to form this new expression of Universal Consciousness.
YOU are now even more alive with this same Consciousness than you were at the moment of your birth. YOU carry within yourself right now the same conscious intelligence that formed your body following conception.
IT has not aged, and cannot age.
IT cannot become sick.
IT cannot become emotionally depressed.
IT is eternally youthful.
IT abides in perpetual health.
IT knows only joy and oneness with God and The Universe.
............................. And YOU are IT.


by Crystal Boyd 1998

We convince ourselves that life will be better
After we get married
Have a baby
Then another
Then we are frustrated
That the kids aren't old enough
And we'll be more content when they are grown.
After that, we're frustrated
That we have teenagers to deal with
We will certainly be happy
When they are out of that stage.
We tell ourselves that our life will be complete
When our spouse gets his or her act together
When we get a nicer car
Are we able to go on a nice vacation
Or when we retire.
The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now
If not now, when?
Your life will always be filled with challenges
It's best to admit this to yourself
And decide to be happy anyway.
Happiness is the way.
So, treasure every moment that you have
And treasure it more because
You shared it with someone special
Special enough to spend your time with
And remember that time waits for no one.
So, stop waiting until your car
Or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you lose 10 lbs
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die.
There is no better time than right now to be happy
Happiness is a journey, not a destination
So work like you don't need money
Love like you've never been hurt
And dance like no one's watching.

God's Cake

I read this at a newsgroup and don't know who the author is. I just found it to be very enlightening.

Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation!
A daughter is telling her Mother how everything is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.
Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says,
"Absolutely Mom, I love your cake."
“Here, have some cooking oil," her Mother offers.
"Yuck" says her daughter.
"How about a couple raw eggs?"
"Gross, Mom!"
"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?"
"Mom, those are all yucky!"
To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!
God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!
God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.”
If you like this, send this on to the people you really care about. I did.
I hope your day is a "piece of cake!"
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!

Be Not Afraid

I don't recall where I came across this, but I liked and found it worthwhile to share.


To walk through the darkness - for therein you may find the light;
To take one step at a time - for only then can you complete the journey;
To question - for there you will find the truth;
To hope - from that a dream can grow;
To believe - otherwise, there is nothing;
To trust - for it is the basic element of all relationships;
To give - for in doing so, you shall be given;
To remember - for memories are proof that you have lived;
To cry - tears are a source of healing;
To hurt - from that can come growth;
To laugh - your inner beauty is reflected then;
To start again - there is a chance this time will be even better;
To be independent - for only then will you find yourself;
To set new goals - for then your existence will take on mean¬ing;
To share - for happiness is nothing if it's yours alone;
To open the closed door - perhaps what was behind it has changed;
To take a chance - new worlds have been discovered this way;
To, at times, despair - for only then do we appreciate;
To re-examine yourself- for death sets in when growth stops;
To face each new day - if you choose, God will walk beside you each hour;
To make promises - they are the foundations of life;
To plant a small seed - from it the majestic tree grows;
To touch someone - who knows how that small action may change your lives;
To love - for only in that way will you be loved;
To live - only then will past relationships be meaningful;
To die - for therein lies eternal life.

By Elaine Slater Reese


1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you..
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Top 6 Breakup Questions and Answers

Top 6 Breakup Questions and Answers
By Ramon Johnson

Before you box up all of those Valentine's and birthday presents, let Mona Lisa consoles your gay breakup woes. Here are the top breakup questions and answers.

1. He Just Wants to Be Friends
What do you do when he just wants to be friends? See how a lesson in slot machines can help you cope with the loss of a love.

2. See the Lesson in a Dead End Relationship
Do you have a bad or dead end relationship and now have regrets? Learn the lessons from the past and turn your bad relationship into a bright future.

3. I'm Straight, My Gay Ex Boyfriend Wants to be Friends
No one likes to be lied to or enter into a relationship based on deceit- especially one that involves a partner that's not exactly who he presented himself to be. You broke up with him because you thought he was straight, but he's actually gay. Should you still be his friend?

4. How To End a Relationship And Keep Your Dignity
The relationship between you and your boo not working out? Take the first step to freedom and learn how to end a relationship. Before You Get Back Together With Your Ex Boyfriend

5. Before You Get Back Together With Your Ex Boyfriend
Consider these three things before getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

6. Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends
The hurt of a bad breakup won't instantly fade, but there are a few things you can do to minimize the damage. Read the essentail break up survival kit!

Top 10 Gay Love Lessons

Top 10 Gay Love Lessons
By Ramon Johnson

Even the top gay juans among us need lessons in gay love. Unfortunately, there is no instruction manual that keeps us from making fatal relationship mistakes. Rest assured, Gay Life love master, Mona Lisa, is here to save homoships everywhere.
1. Save Yourself First
One of your most important lessons you'll ever hear is broadcast in the safety message of every commercial flight. By making this message your life motto you can save your relationship (and your life).

2. Top 5 Craziest Things You Can Do To Get a Guy
Our crushes can be so deep we'll scale walls to get a guy. But how high is too high when it comes to snagging the man you like? These are the craziest things you can do to get a guy.

3. Top 4 Cheap Ways to Show Him You Care
You don't have to be a baller or have an affinity for bling to show your man you care. If your special someone is on your mind, don't wait for his birthday or an anniversary. Give him these cheap gifts and score enough points to last you a lifetime.

4. My Partner Left Me With Bad Credit
Protect yourself from ending a relationship with bad credit. Also learn how to repair any financial disaster.

5. Overcoming Fears of Rejection
Many gay men hide behind their computers because of a common fear of rejection. We all have fears, but how do you overcome them. A little practice can take you from loner to socialite.

6. Pick Up Lines: Making the Most of the First Minute
Sometimes its hard to maintain your pick-up artist consciousness. Learn how to make the most of your pick up line in the first minute.

7. How To Turn a Straight Guy Gay?
Is it possible to turn a straight guy gay or are you wasting your time trying to keep him from a hetero fate? See what Mona has to say.

8. Tips for the Gay and Lonely
Many gay men are overcome with loneliness when they first come out. Find out how to stop feeling lonely and start living.

9. The Balance of Power in Relationships
The balance of power in relationships is never resolved in the struggle, only in the peace. Do you have the stamina to solve the push pull of your relationship?

10. How To Steal a Gay Kiss
So you’ve been chatting up a guy you like and now you want to take matters to the next level and engineer that first kiss. But how do you overcome the natural uncertainty and resistance?


Most of us think that everybody wants to end in a serious relationship but the real thing is, NO. Most mislead love for looks for the latter must always precede love. They try to ignore intangible things especially the real goodness of the person which makes him capable of being loved not merely for physical attributes. Instead of knowing the person first and see whats his inside, people judge others based on metaphysical. Instead of learning to appreciate people near them they always look for another for more satisfaction and fulfillment. No contentment. Eventually, most redound to only after sex.. (I’m not saying that sex is bad though. It must be done with the right person for a very good reason, that is out of love. ). So don’t fool yourself that you want a serious relationship. That you want love. No, you are just naturally inclined to flesh earthly desire. You are a damn fool if you will just make justifications. Accept it for it will set you free.

Now, Where is love? None. Misconception of love instead. Not unless we learn the real meaning of love and set aside those so many justifications and inhibitions, we will never experience the real happiness in our entire life…Instead, grow old alone..and die alone.. Basis? Think of couples who stay together longer. How many of them? How long did they last? A month? A year? Does anyone need to be so thankful if it reaches 3 years? What went wrong? Eventually, the answer can be found on the first sentences I mentioned above.
Respect, Contentment, Loyalty, Commitment, Fear from God are the real essence of love. Real things that love cannot do without. Be a real smart guy. If you don’t have those and always mislead yourself to metaphysicals, then you do not know what real love means. Goodluck for your life will eventually lead to misery and deception.

Anyone might call me dramatic.. or anything but id rather be one than be like an empty can in a trash..(which you prefer then? )

love that never last and survived

Look at me, tell me what do you see
A man almost lost his heart in love?
A man almost lost his way in the path?
A man almost lost his will in life?

.love that never last and survived, And with it took my heart. I still remember those days as it was yesterday. I never been loved like that and never will, that love for me was so perfect. But as the old saying: careful what you wish for. I shouldve known that a love like that will never live, although I never thought it would never die. This is a small example of lifes irony. God created mankind, and with mankind, religions. And that what makes it impossible to live. I love that person so much, but I love then my families too, that when I sacrificed my love to my family for the love of my soul. And plan for an escape to anywhere, so I could live forever untouched by harm. But the price was so high I couldnt afford it, so high that comes to a point of leaving everything I have and everything I wanted to be, what could I possibly do? Have to sacrifice my heart for the love of my life.

And god knows that when I take a breath, I take another one for that special person, even sometimes time made me so weak already. I wish I did never taste it, the taste of true love. And then, out of nowhere someone showed up, showing cared, which I believed that dream, but the truth I couldnt bear, that the feeling was so real. That someone will love me as I am. But I fell in the trap of love again, with the price I paid is higher than I thought. So I made an oath, I will never love again until Ive been loved. This way I will prevent my self of getting harmed. Now I am lost, no one to trust, this is how I feel. I cried so many nights, knowing that god created me alone. This is my destiny and it will always be. I will try to live with it praying god to take my life from me if not being with somebody..


Gay men, the internet and sex have become synonymous over the years. But what about the many men who turn to the net for love and relationships? Often times it's all in the presentation. Have you ever been to the grocery store looking for a certain product and debated over what brand to buy (especially if you don't have a favorite)? Some of us choose based on the nutritional value or cost alone, but most of us are drawn to the packaging and description of the product and then evaluate the supporting information. Imagine if your favorite cereal came in a white box with no graphics or explanation of what was inside. No matter how good or bad it was, you probably wouldn't buy it.

The same holds true for online profiles. No matter what the reputation of the site, profiles serve as a first impression and allow other men to build a story about who you are as a person (am I'm not just talking about the physical). How you present yourself on the shelf can make all the difference between snagging your dream lover or enjoying 15 minutes of fame. Here's how you can turn a hook up site into a dating haven.

Even the most gory of movies never show the most graphic scene on the DVD cover. They leave something to mystery, plus they don't want to scare potential viewers away. A man who values an intellectual thriller is not likely to rent a movie with exposed intestine on the cover.

Keep the intrigue by saving the details until you and your dream man are intimate for the first time. Show a little chest or even a leg, but if you wouldn't show it in public don't show it online. By keeping your pics on the PG-17 or R-rated scale you're showing your suitor that you're about more than just about sex. Graphic shots may get more quantity, but it's the quality of man you're looking for.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Be True, Be the Extraordinary You

The sun rises on a new dawn. Yet few of us realize the debt we owe to those who dwell among us; anonymous, seemingly ordinary, whom destiny brought together to repair, to heal, to save us from ourselves. If evolution can do this for even the smallest creatures, then why not these human beings? And they’re still out there, in the shadows, in the light. We pass them on the street, never suspecting, never knowing. Do they even know yet, that they are bound together by a common purpose, a glaring reality to be extraordinary?” And when destiny does anoint them, how do they hide from it? How long can they dwell in the shadows before either fate or their own flawed humanity draws them out into the light again? And how will they know what awaits them when it finally does?
(Quote above from Heroes, Season 2, Episode 1)
Yes, I believe it in my heart — that if we are courageous enough to be truly ourselves, then we will be able to see our character’s real strengths. And when we see it, if we so desire, we can use it in our journey to be the best that we can be, to be extraordinary.
“National Coming Out Day is observed on October 11 by members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities and their allies. It is highly encouraged for participants in this movement to wear identifying symbols, such as the pink triangle, the Greek letter lambda, and rainbows, in jewelry and on their clothing, to demonstrate their presence in all walks of life, all ages and all ethnic groups.” (From Wikipedia)

* * *
Coming out, or not coming out, is a choice each of us make. For me, there is no right or wrong way in this issue. My only take is that we be true, first and most importantly, to ourselves. Come in first, before even thinking of coming out.
Thank you, and world peace!

An Experrience with the Unknown

An Experrience with the Unknown
February 11th, 2007 by mrenge

this is a true ghost story that i experienced about 4 years ago…
nasa bohol kami nun, di ko na maalala kung bakit kami pumunta dun, cguro para sa reunion ng aming clan or nagbabakasyon lang, basta naaalala ko ang isang katangitanging pangyayari sa aming magpinsan…
pumunta kami sa bundok ng Badbad, loon, bohol…. dun kasi nakatira karamihan sa mga kamag-anak ko… nandun lahat ng pinsan, mga tito at tita ko ng Mejorada Clan, kilalang angkan sa lugar na yun…
Alam ko na noon pa ang tungkol sa mga kababalaghang nangyayari sa lugar na yun… sabi pa nga ng isa sa mga lola ko, si lola babeng, minsan meh grupo ng mga bata (mga edad 6 haggang 10) na naguuniform. tinanong niya kung saan sila papunta, sabi ng isa sa eskwelahan… binaliwala ng lola ko yun kasi karamihan sa mga bata dun na nag-aaral ay naglalakad talaga patungo sa eskwelahan sa patag o di kaya’y sa kabilang bundok… pero nagulat na lang siya ng lumiko yung mga bata patungo sa isang daan na ang dulo’y bangin… di na nya hinabol ang mga bata kasi nagets na nya kung ano sila…
Ang bahay ng lolo at lola ko (mga tita at tito ng mama ko) ay andun sa pinakatuktuk ng bundok Badbad… bukod tangi ang bahay nilang kubo dahil sa kalumaan at dahil sa kinalalagyan nito… Nagpalipas kami ng gabi kaming magpinsan (mga anim kami) sa bahay ni lolo at lola… naging masaya ang kwentuhan namin… puro kwentuhan ng mga masasayang alaala at tungkol rin sa kababalaghan… Dun na kami nakatulog dahil delikado nang bumaba sa patag kung saan andun talaga ang ancestral house namin…
Hinipan na ang gasera at dumilim sa boung kabahayan…. napapikit ako hanggang nakatulog… pero bigla nalang nagising sa kalagitnaan ng gabi, dahil sa isang ingay sa baba ng bahay… parang meh kinakalkal… basta alam ko meh gumagalaw sa baba ng bahay… sinilip ko sa sahig dahil kawayan lang ang sahig ng kubo ng lolo’t lola ko, pero wala akong maaninag, wla kasing buwan o ilaw man lang… kaya ang dilim ng kalangitan at kabundokan, kahit maraming alitaptap sa loob ng kwarto, di ko pa rin makita kung ano yung gumagalaw sa baba… baka naman manok o di kaya’y baboy… oo parang baboy nga kung pakinggan ang galaw pero hindi naman nagsasalita na parang baboy… napansin ko na umuulan na at natabonan yung ingay sa baba ng ingay ng ulan….
kinaumagahan… nagdesisyon kaming magpinsan na mamasyal sa kabundokan…
wala namang umangal… at doon ang daming nakita’t natuklasan… mga kakaibang halama’t hayop… napansin naming parang nakatirik na talaga ang araw sa ibabaw, nagpasya na kaming umiwi sa kubo…
alam ko meh shortcut patungo dun kaya nanguna ako sa daan…. nang makita ko na ang kubo, dalidali kaming umakyat… alam ko at ng mga pinsan ko na bahay na nga yon ng lolo’t lola ko dahil sa mga nakasabit sa sampayan na pamilyar na pamilyar at dahil na rin sa mga manok na andun na pamilyar din…
pero nagulat na lang kami sa nakita namin kung sino ang nasa loob…
mga matanda… medjo kawangis ng lolo’t lola pero ibang tao…
nilapitan namin baka naman mga bisita… pero nang nag-astang papasok na eh nagtanong yung matandang babae na sino kami… di naman galit ang tuno pero gulat na gulat kami… tinanong kami kung kanino kaming mga anak at kung anu-ano pa… hindi ko magawang tingnan ng diretso yung matanda dahil naramdaman ko na parang nanlilisik ang mata nila, kahit hindi ko nakita, basta naramdaman ko lang…
alam ko… i swear… bahay iyon ng lolo’t lola… as in…
pinapapasok kami ng matandang lalake… pero tumanggi na kami nang mapansin namin na parang meh hindi tama… dahan-dahan kaming bumaba at bumalik sa kung saan kami nagshortcut… ng palayo na’y binilisan namin ang paglakad…
nagsimulang mamuo ang mga katanungan… at nang mapagod, nagdesisyon na kaming bumalik sa kubo na hindi nagshoshortcut…
at dun natanaw naming muli yung bahay kubo ng lolo’t lola ko… yung mga sinampay at mga manok ay andun pa rin…
mejo takot kaming lumapit baka andun pa rin yung nakakatakot na mga matanda… pero nahimasmasan nang makita namin ang lola na nagwawalis sa labas…
tinanong namin kung meh bisita sila kanina… sagot nya wala, mula nung umalis kami hanggang bumalik…
at kinwento namin yung nangyari, hindi na nagulat si lola babeng… sinabi nya… meh mga kakaiba talagang nilalang na namamamahay sa kabundokan pati na sa kubo nila… sabi nya hindi naman daw sila nang-aano basta marunong ka lang romespeto sa kanila…
mula nun… sunod-sunod na ang mga kababalaghan na nakikita ko… i just think that they too have the right to dwell in the living’s place… they are part of man’s existence…


When the Lord made Man, All the parts of the body argued who would be Boss.
The Brain explained that since he controlled all the parts of the body, he should be boss.
The Legs argued that they should be boss, since they could take the body anywhere it wanted to go.
The Stomach countered with the expalination that since he digested all the food, He kept the body healthy; therefore he should be boss.
The Eyes said that without vision, man could not see where he was going therefore they should be boss.
Then the Rectum spoke up and applied for the job.
The other parts of the body all laugh so hard the Rectum closed up.
After a few days, the brain got foggy, the legs become wobbly, the stomach became ill and eyes crossed and could not see.
Soon they all conceded that the rectum should be boss.
Which just goes to prove that you dont have to be a brain to be boss. Just an Ass.

Learn to Fly & Soar

Run and tell all of the angels, This could take all night, Think I need a devil to help me get things right, Hook me up a new revolution, Cause this one is a lie, We sat around laughing and watched the last one die, I’m looking to the sky to save me, Looking for a sign of life, Looking for something to help me burn out bright I’m looking for a complication, Looking cause I’m tired of lying (trying), Make my way back home when I learn to fly I think I’m done nursing the patience, It can wait one night I’d give it all away if you give me one last try, We’ll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life, Run and tell all the angels that everything is alright. . . Fly along with me, I can’t quite make it alone Try and make this life my own

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


IF and WHEN were friends. Every week they met and had lunch. Their conversation usually centered on all the things they were going to achieve. They both had many dreams and they loved to talk about them.

This particular Saturday when they met, WHEN sensed that IF was not in a great mood. As usual they sat at the table reserved for them and ordered their lunch. Once they placed their order, WHEN questioned IF. "IF what is wrong with you? You don't seem your usual cheery self?"

IF looked at WHEN and replied, "I'm not sure, I just don't feel like I am making any progress. This last week I saw a course I wanted to take if only I had the time to take it."

WHEN knew exactly how IF felt. "Yeah," replied WHEN, "I too saw a course and I am going to register when I get enough money together." WHEN then said, "well what about that new job you were going to apply for. You were so excited about it last week, did you apply?"
IF responded, "If my computer didn't break down last week, I would have applied. But, my computer is not working, so I could not type my resume."

"Don't worry about it IF, when you are ready another job will come through. I have been thinking about looking for another job also, but I will wait and when the weather gets nicer I will look then." WHEN then went on to tell IF about his week, hoping that it would cheer him up a bit.
The man at the next table couldn't help overhear WHEN and IF. They both were talking about when this and if that, finally he couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me gentlemen," the man said. IF and WHEN both looked at the man and wondered what he wanted. The man continued, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help hearing your conversation. I think I know how you could solve your problems."

IF smiled and thought, how could a complete stranger know how to solve all of their problems. If only he knew. When he realized the challenges they faced there was no way he could solve their problems! Curious, IF asked the gentleman, "How do you think you can solve our problems?"
The gentleman smiled and said, "You only need listen to yourselves. It reminds me of an old proverb:
'If and When were planted, and Nothing grew'."

IF and WHEN looked puzzled. The gentleman smiled and said, "Start counting how many times you use the words 'if' and 'when'. Rather than thinking 'if and when', start doing, take action, stop talking about 'if and when'."

IF and WHEN both looked surprised, and suddenly realized that what the gentleman had said was so true. Both of them were guilty of thinking, acting and living their life for the "ifs and whens". The gentleman left and IF and WHEN's conversation changed. They made a pact that when they met for lunch next week, there would be no "ifs and whens"; they would only talk about what they accomplished!