Saturday, October 24, 2009


Most of us think that everybody wants to end in a serious relationship but the real thing is, NO. Most mislead love for looks for the latter must always precede love. They try to ignore intangible things especially the real goodness of the person which makes him capable of being loved not merely for physical attributes. Instead of knowing the person first and see whats his inside, people judge others based on metaphysical. Instead of learning to appreciate people near them they always look for another for more satisfaction and fulfillment. No contentment. Eventually, most redound to only after sex.. (I’m not saying that sex is bad though. It must be done with the right person for a very good reason, that is out of love. ). So don’t fool yourself that you want a serious relationship. That you want love. No, you are just naturally inclined to flesh earthly desire. You are a damn fool if you will just make justifications. Accept it for it will set you free.

Now, Where is love? None. Misconception of love instead. Not unless we learn the real meaning of love and set aside those so many justifications and inhibitions, we will never experience the real happiness in our entire life…Instead, grow old alone..and die alone.. Basis? Think of couples who stay together longer. How many of them? How long did they last? A month? A year? Does anyone need to be so thankful if it reaches 3 years? What went wrong? Eventually, the answer can be found on the first sentences I mentioned above.
Respect, Contentment, Loyalty, Commitment, Fear from God are the real essence of love. Real things that love cannot do without. Be a real smart guy. If you don’t have those and always mislead yourself to metaphysicals, then you do not know what real love means. Goodluck for your life will eventually lead to misery and deception.

Anyone might call me dramatic.. or anything but id rather be one than be like an empty can in a trash..(which you prefer then? )

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