Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Not Afraid

I don't recall where I came across this, but I liked and found it worthwhile to share.


To walk through the darkness - for therein you may find the light;
To take one step at a time - for only then can you complete the journey;
To question - for there you will find the truth;
To hope - from that a dream can grow;
To believe - otherwise, there is nothing;
To trust - for it is the basic element of all relationships;
To give - for in doing so, you shall be given;
To remember - for memories are proof that you have lived;
To cry - tears are a source of healing;
To hurt - from that can come growth;
To laugh - your inner beauty is reflected then;
To start again - there is a chance this time will be even better;
To be independent - for only then will you find yourself;
To set new goals - for then your existence will take on mean¬ing;
To share - for happiness is nothing if it's yours alone;
To open the closed door - perhaps what was behind it has changed;
To take a chance - new worlds have been discovered this way;
To, at times, despair - for only then do we appreciate;
To re-examine yourself- for death sets in when growth stops;
To face each new day - if you choose, God will walk beside you each hour;
To make promises - they are the foundations of life;
To plant a small seed - from it the majestic tree grows;
To touch someone - who knows how that small action may change your lives;
To love - for only in that way will you be loved;
To live - only then will past relationships be meaningful;
To die - for therein lies eternal life.

By Elaine Slater Reese

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